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Ricky Maty
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Ricky a Maty

Texty AJTexty NJ

Texty v Anličtině


What is your name? (Wots jour nejm) - Jak se jmenuješ?
My name is Matyáš, Richard, Robert. (máj nejm is) Jmenuji se Matyáš, Richard, Robert.
How old are you? (hau old ár jů) - Kolik je ti let?
I am 9 (nájn), 13 (fŕtýn), 51 (fiftyvan) years old. Je mi 9, 13, 51.
How are you? (hau ár jů) - Jak se máš?
I am good (Ájem gud), fine (fajn), ok (oukej), I am not very wellm(Ájem not very vel), I am not fine (Ájem not fajn), I am not ok. (Ájem not oukej)
Je mi dobře, Jsem v pohodě, Jsem v pořádku, Neni mi dobre, Nejsem v pohodě, Nejsem v pořádku.

After school

Dad: Hello boy. How it was at scholl?
Matyáš: Good.
Dad: Do you have any marks?
Matyáš: Ou… At school I got a first in mathematics. Can I play games on computer?
Dad: Do you have any marks?
Matyáš is thinking and than say slowly. Matyáš: I have got a fourth of czech grammar.
Dad: Matýsku! Instead games we must learn.


What do you want for breakfats? (Wot dů jů wont for brekfest) - Co chceš ke snídani?
I would like sausages (Áj wud lajk sósidžis), eggs (egs), youghurts( jógurts), bread with honey or jam, ... (bred wif hany or džem)
Chtěl bych párky, vajíčka, jogurty, chleba s meden a marmeladou, ...
What would you like for lunch? (Wot wud jů lajk for lanč) - Co by jsi si přál k obědu?
I would like chicken with rice; (Áj wud lajk čikn wif rajs) pork (pork), dumplings and cabbage (daplings end kabič); goulash, .... (guláš)
Chtěl bych kuře s rýží; knedlo, vepřo, zelo; guláš, ...
Would you like dinner? (Wud jů lajk dinr) - Nechtěli by jste večeři?
We would like to have a dinner (Wí wud lajk tu hef a dinr), We would not have a dinner. (Wí wud not hef a dinr)
Chtěli by jsme večeři, Nechtěli by jsme večeři.


What do you want to do? (Wot dů jů wont tu dů)- Co chceš dělat?
I would like to play on the x-box (Áj wud lajk tu plej on x-box), We could play with toys (Wí cud plej wif tojs), Come to build from lego. (Kam tu bild from lego)
Chtěl bych hrát na x-boxu nebo počítači, Mohli by jsme si hrát s hračkami, Pojď si stavět z lega.


Dad / Mum/ Brother/ Sister is sitting on the sofa in the living room. (Ded/ Mam/ Bradr/ Sistr is siting on d sofa in d living rům) He/ She is reading. (Hí/ Ší is rýdyng)
Táta/ Máma/ Bratr/ Sestra sedí na pohovce v obývacím pokoji. Čte si.
Matyáš is playing on the ground. (Matyáš is plejing on d graund) - Matyáš si hraje na zemi.
He plays with cars (Hí plejs wif kars) - Hraje si s autíčky
Also he plays often on x-box. (Olsou hí plejs ofn on x-box) - Často hraje na x-boxu.
He thinks he is the best when playing a game. :-) (Hí finks hí is d best wen plejing a gejm)
Myslí si, že je nejlepší když harje nějakou hru. :-)


Hello! My name is Matyáš and this is my older brother Richard. (Helou! Máj nejm is Matyáš end dys is máj oldr bradr Richard) - Ahoj! Jmenuji se Matyáš a tohle je můj starší bratr Richard.
I am 9 (nájn) years old. (jírs old) - Jsem devět let starý.
My brother is 13 (Máj bradr is fŕtýn). - Mému bratrovi je třináct.
These are my parents, Robert and Jaroslava. (Dýs ár máj pérenst) - Tohle jsou mí rodičě, Robert a Jaroslava.
My dad is 51 (fiftyvan) years old. (jírs old) - Můj táta je 51 let starý.
My mum is 42 (fortytjů) - Mé mámě je 42.


Matyáš: Hello.
Friend: Hi.
Matyáš: What do you do today.
Friend: I get up from bed and I do breakfast.
Matyáš: Your breakfast is poor or rich?
Friend: I have a little time. Every day I have only butter with bread.
Matyáš: I had conversely many time. I get up at ten ocloc´k AM. I am eating eggs with bread or many kinds o pies. Every morning I am drinking tea or cafe. (conversely - conveslej = naopak)
Friend: I am suprised (suprajst) - Jsem překvapen.


Ricky: Hello.
Friend: Hi.
Ricky: What would do you want to do today?
Friend: We could go on a trip. (Could - kud = můžes)
Ricky: That is good idea.
Friend: We must bring into ours bags many things.
Ricky: Forexample some clothes, raincoat, tens of food, tent and shoes. (Forexample - forexempl = například; ten - ten = plechovka; tent - tent = stan)
Friend: You forget to one thing.
Ricky: Ou Yes, thanks. We must bring phones.
Friend: Yeah. So we are alredy ready for that tomorrow trip.


Mum: Cherrio!
Friend: Hi.
Mum: I have a fantastic new game!
Friend: Whitch game is better than mine?
Mum: It´s the best game of all time.
Friend: I don´t think so.
Mum:You can have there a lot of charachters and skins and many guns!
Friend: Do not overdo it again. (Overdo - ouvrdů = nepřehánět)
Mum: I am not overdo. I am saing true! If you dont believe me we can try our games and compare it. (Compare - kompér = porovnat)
Friend: Yes, it isn´t not bad idea.


Dad: Good afternoon.
Friend: Good afternoon.
Dad:Today is beautiful weather.
Friend: Yes, it is.
Dad: What´s weather is your favorite.
Friend: It´s a sunny weather. When will rain long you can see in the sky rainbow.
Dad: Hey, a storm is near to us. We must go back to home.
Friend: Yeah, I dont want to be wet.


Matyáš: Hello.
Friend: Hi.
Matyáš: Do you like nature?
Friend: Yes, I like. We have a big garden and behind small forest.
Matyáš: Yes, me too.
Friend: Our garden is the biggest around.
Matyáš: What is on your garden?
Friend: In my garden there is many fruity trees perhaps apples, pears, peachs, plums, cheerries, strawberries, raspberries and also vegetable for example tomatoes, peapers and cucumbers. Have you garden, too?
Matyáš:Yes, but our garden is realy smaller againts you. We have only grass and few blackberries.

House or flat?

Ricky: Hi.
Friend: Chau.
Ricky: Do you have house or flat.
Friend: I have flat because I have not enough money to buy home. In our flat are five rooms it. And what about you.
Ricky: I have house in the Přemyslova street. Our house is the same as yours, but we have one extra things. We have soil.
Friend: I envy you, because you live in house. I think is better.
Ricky: Why?
Friend: Because you live in house. I think it is better.


Mum: Hi Matyáš.
Matyáš: Hi Mum.
Mum: Do you have some pet.
Matyáš: Yes, I have dog. I called her Gábina. We have parrot, too.
Mum: Can its speak?
Matyáš: Yes its can. Its can say you a many words.
Mum: I have only one pet. You can guess whitch? (Guess - ges = hádat)
Matyáš: Cat?.
Mum: No, I have snake.
Matyáš: I am really scared of snakes. I hate them. (Scared - skérd = bojjím se; hate - hejt = nesnáším)


Dad: Hello.
Friend: Hello.
Dad: What´s your name.
Friend: My name is Richard. And your name is?
Dad: Matyáš. I am nine years old.
Friend: Nice to meet you. Where do you live?
Dad: I live in Kralupy nad Vltavou.
Friend: Me too.
Dad: In which street do you live?
Friend: I live in the street Široká. And you?
Dad: I live in the street Přemyslova. It´s about one kilometer from your home.
Friend: Kralupy isn´t so big town.
Dad: Yeah right.

Pro zasmání

odpověď studenta na otázku: Come for table - tedy "Pojď ke stolu."
skutečnost: Comfortable - tedy komfortní nebo pohodlný.

Poslední úprava 21.7.2018, Ricky and Dad